Senior Officers

  • Gucci Commander
  • Lt Myr El’Ire Hyur Resources Officer

Junior Officers

  • Sgt Xayana Flinth Operations Officer
  • Sgt Babba Yaga Hyur Resources Officer


Special Assignment
  • Jarissia Shimaran Company Quartermaster
  • Julius Hamasaki Second Quartermaster
  • Dellamori Arefu Cohead of Medical
  • Lihli Nbolo Cohead of Medical
  • Haremi Red-Earth "Legs"
  • Ielania Kael’derra "This One"
  • Hapi Copycat "Anklebiter"
  • Haylee Comet "Heckler"
  • Dagasi Malqiir "Blademan"
  • Mordael Roseheart "Big Hat"
  • Pancake Booti "Breakfast"
  • Arius Wolfthal "Goggles"
  • Sryke Drakar "Goner"
  • Eryn Rose "Scaredy Cat"
  • Lynarael Keltspyrwyn "Breadwinner"
  • Shuren Isshiki "Shrimp"
  • Radlia Butcher "Punchy"
  • Delkling Asjael "Goonie"
  • Victor Frost "Doc"
  • Gelid Doe "Beekeeper"
  • Komorebi Tsundoku "Peacock"